The Autumnal Equinox like the Spring Equinox occurs when the earths axis is inclined neither towards the sun nor away from it, the sun being vertical above a point on the equator. So says Websters. I say as we approach this semi-annual event that there is stillness and heaviness in the air, a somnolence, and a hesitation as the Lakes Region moves to the annual effusion of color that engulfs New Hampshire. I can't imagine living in a place without seasons, a dreary sameness covering the land, not so here. Everyone senses the approaching explosion of color soon to erupt covering over familiar hillsides and woods. FALL, the absolute best time of the year. The local paper reports that the unusual amount of rain of the early summer months will result in a rare vibrancy and sharpness to the pigmentation of the leaves. This is the time for the hardwoods to come forth, the Ash, Beech, Birch, Maple, Oak and a cruise on the lake aboard the Mount Washington is a great way to experience a New Hampshire autumn. Each island seems to compete with its neighbor as a Currier and Ives poster edition.
What else is on the agenda? How about the Sandwich Fair in a few weeks time?
I have a favorite book on early New Hampshire titled The Road through Sandwich Notch by Elizabeth Yates, which makes the 200 plus year history come alive in this magnificent portion of New Hampshire.
Also, it's time to split and store this season's firewood. Firewood, warms you as you cut it, transport it, stack it and finally burn it. What a bargain.
From a realtors standpoint this is the time of the year when the serious buyers come forth. Those who have done their homework over the spring and summer and have a clear idea of what they want if not where to find it. My own log shows a sharp spike in island property inquiries, more so than in previous years. So many who are approaching retirement have fond memories of their youth spent at one of the summer island camps on Lake Winnipesaukee. The urge to re-capture those feelings becomes nearly irresistible to them. My good friend and Spencer Hughes associate, Island Bob Parmenter, has gone so far as to live year round on Cow Island in his fantastic Adirondack home. Adventurous, of course, but his rewards are nearly immeasurable.
Our new and expanded web site is nearing completion. Adam Dow has been directing the effort through our web designers. Once online, our objective is to provide the most thorough, complete and user friendly service to our clients and customers here and around the world. Please make use of it as a way to stay current with the changing local real estate market.
Jim Ferriman 603-520-