Though not part of the Lakes Region area of New Hampshire, this 6,288 mountain dominates the northern horizon and offers its part to the whole of life in New Hampshire. The mountain boasts some of the severest weather in the lower 48 and has the recorded highest wind speed of 231 MPH on the planet. So what? Its inspirational to gaze upon.
The Laconia 2009 motorcycle week is scheduled for June 13th through the 21st. On the 15th is the not to be missed exclusive motorcycle run up the Mt. Washington Auto Road. A chance to eat some snow, climb some rocks and stand in the wind at the highest point in the Northeastern United States.
On my drive to my office in Alton Bay I can occasionally glimpse the Mt. This time of year it seems this snow capped sentinel of the North Country must soon be striped to bare granite by the winds that must be raking it. As someone once said its not a good place to be with just your Tour Master boots on.
Why bring this fact to blog dedicated to real estate? I suppose I am struck by the geographical fact that Alton Bay is approximately 50 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and the same distance to the Mount Washington valley. Of the 3 main biker rallies, Daytona, Sturgis and Laconia only the latter can offer mountains, lakes and the ocean within a days ride. Enjoying Rye beach and then making a run to the Alpine zone at the summit of Mt. Washington is a fun thing to do.
The joy of owning a second home in the Lakes Region didn't begin when colonial Governor Wentworth built his house near Wolfeboro on the shore of the lake that now bears his name. After all the Abnakis and Pennacooks had already been regulars at the Weirs for centuries. Seasonal cottages, island homes, waterfront properties, ski chalets and the sense of belonging to something uniquely special all contribute to an enhanced lifestyle for the Lakes Region second home owner. (603) 520-5385